A simple proof sheet with OutPost
Applies to: OutPost
OutPost can be used to produce customized proof sheets using the "Add Sheets" functionality.
This article guides the reader through producing the simple proof sheet reproduced below. Note "proof sheets" are often referred to as "item sheets" as they require a Fixed Size "Item" template.
Figure 1: A proof sheet produced in OutPost
The proof sheet above is a result of a single template. This template is a Fixed Size Item and describes the appearance of each "cell" or "item" on the proof sheet. The template may contain any combination of image holes, fixed and variable text, barcodes and graphics. A close up of an individual item from the above proof sheet is reproduced below.
Figure 2: The individual item
Note the presence of both fixed and variable elements. The image itself, the proof number and the customer's name are examples of variable elements that may or may not change from image to image, job to job. The copywrite notice and the company name are fixed text elements.
Step 1 - Creating the template
As mentioned above the appearance of each image on the proof sheet is controlled by a template. Template design is therefore crucial. Wherever possible templates should be designed as generic as possible enabling the template to be used from job to job.
OutPost provides a built-in Template Designer which is accessed via Mode>Template Designer or with the F8 function key
- If in the Main Mode press F8 to go to the Template Designer
- Start a new template by either clicking the New template button on the toolbar or via File>New from the menu. Ctrl-N is a keyboard shortcut to start a new template.
- You will be presented with the New Template Design window. You
must select the last template type - Fixed Size Item - as only
these templates can be used for proof sheets. Observe the screen
grab below with the proper selection highlighted.
Figure 3: Starting a Fixed Size Item
- Once the template type is selected you will be presented with a blank canvas. Click on the canvas to make it active then enter the overall size of the template. Note this is not the image size or the total page size - it is the size of the individual cell. In the example above the size was 70mm x 110mm (2.76" x 4.33")
- Add image holes, text boxes and any other objects to the template as desired by using the appropriate tools from the toolbar. Size and position each element as appropriate.
- When satisfied with the template save it to your templates directory. The template used above is reproduced here
Figure 4: The Fixed Size Item Template
Step 2 - Creating the proof sheet
Once the template has been designed and saved return to the Main Mode (F4). The steps below assume images have already been imported into OutPost and data (if any) has been assigned.
- Select the images you wish to appear on the proof sheet.
- Click the "Add Sheets" button located in the upper right window pane.
- The Templates arrangement window appears. This window allows
you to select the item (template) to be used for the sheet and
arrange the item on the finished page. The settings below were used
to produce the sample item sheet reproduced above. Enter your own
settings as desired
Figure 5: Arranging the item
- Once the desired settings have been entered click OK to build the proof sheets and add them to the queue
The "Item" section in the Template Arrangements window lista all the fixed size items present in the users template's directory. In this example only a single item is listed - simple proof. "Plain background" is checked which activates the parametres for arranging the item on the finished page. (A future article will discuss the use of "Layout background" where a separate background template is used to lay out the item.)
End of article