Applies to: All printing applications
Backprinting may be controlled via the "As tags" facility in the applications
In NeoPack/Plus and OutPost
- Go to Edit Fields>As tags
- You may enter fixed text (eg. Copywrite 2005) directly into the window.
- You may call data from any fields using the "insert field" button or by entering @fieldname directly. For example @ID will include data from the ID field
- You may call data using any of the "special" fields such as @imagefilename
The screen grab below shows the As tags window in NeoPack/+
Figure 1: The As tags window in OutPost and NeoPack/Plus
In NeoPack/Professional, NeoComposite and NeoGroup ( and their respective 'Builders>
- Go to Details Mode>Edit Fields>As tags
- Two input windows are presented, the first defines the appearance of data below the thumbnails in Match Mode
- Enter fixed text, fields and special fields into the second input window as described above
Note: By default if the As tags windows are left blank, all fields are used. This may result in the backprinting string being longer than the maximum allowed by the printer. This will result in truncated text or possibly a printer error.
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