File numbering when printing to bitmaps
Applies to: All programs capable of printing
The user may not only print directly to a digital printer but may also "print" to bitmaps - jpegs, tiff, etc at any resolution. When printing in this way the user has options to control the numbering of the printed files.
The user has two options for file numbering
- Use a sequential number
- Use alphanumeric data both fixed and variable as defined in the "As tags" facility
The option for file numbering is selected from the Print Setup window
Figure 1: The Print Setup window
Sequential number
When using sequential number as the numbering option the files will be named with a sequential number beginning with the number one.
With the name option the software will use data as defined in the "As tags" facility. This is the same method as that used to control backprinting (See article Backprinting)
In NeoPack/Plus and OutPost
- Go to Edit Fields>As tags
- You may enter fixed text directly into the window although the prefix option described above will give the same result
- You may call data from any fields using the "insert field" button or by entering @fieldname directly. For example @ID will include data from the ID field.
- You may call data using any of the "special" fields such as @jobname
In NeoPack/Professional, NeoComposite, NeoGroup and the "Builders"
- Go to Details Mode>Edit Fields>As tags
- Two input windows are presented, the first defines the appearance of data below the thumbnails in Match Mode and is irrelevant to this article
- Enter fixed text, fields and special fields into the second input window as described above
Note: By default if the As tags windows are left blank, all fields are used. This may result in the filenames longer than the maximum allowed by the Windows and hence an error. Likewise the subject data may contain characters that are not allowed by Windows in filenames. This too will give a print error. For these reasons care should be taken when using the "name" option for file numbering and where appropriate the amount of data used restricted with the As tags facility.
Output filename options
Regardless of which file numbering method is selected the user may enter a fixed prefix that will appear at the beginning of each filename.
It is also possible to control over how multiple copies are handled. With the Make copies of file for multiple copies option checked, the software will output a separate file for each copy. With this option unchecked only one copy will be created and the number of copies will appear in parentheses at the end of the filename (but before the extension).
End of article