Assigning poses in Poses Mode
Applies to: Poses Mode
While it is possible to assign poses to images by scanning a pose barcode in CapturePost or importing a text file (see Assigning poses to images in CapturePost and Importing poses with a text file), for the most part, poses are assigned to images in Poses Mode.
Poses Mode has three main uses:
- To assign pose numbers or pose labels to images
- To mark a subjects image as the primary image
- To flag a subject's images as requiring retouching or to retouch a previously flagged image
This document will address the first item - assigning poses to images
By default if multiple images are matched to a single subject the software will only use the last image in production. This image is termed the primary or main image. As an alternative to the last image, the operator has the ability to mark any of the other images as the primary image. This can be done in either Match Mode or Poses Mode or even in CapturePost.
No matter how many images are matched to a subject, by default the software will only use the primary or main image for production, printing and exporting. To make use of the other images it is necessary to assign poses. This is (usually) done in Poses Mode.
Assigning poses allows for better use of a subject's images. Proof sheets, for example, can be created displaying each subject's pose and pose number or label. The customer can then order a particular pose or poses.
In turn layouts in NeoPack/Professional or PackBuilder can be defined to include a particular pose. In fact a layout with multiple image holes can have a different pose in each hole. This provides a more creative approach to package printing. (See Adding poses numbers or labels to templates
Poses Mode can be used to assign either pose numbers or pose labels to subject images. the images must be matched to a subject before poses can be assigned.
For an image to have a pose assigned it must therefore be matched to a subject.
In Poses Mode, pose numbers can be assigned in one of two ways
- Automatically assigning numbers 1-n for each subject image
- Manually by shift-clicking each image
Automatically assigning poses
It is possible to automatically assign pose numbers for each subject matched to more than one image. Each pose will be labelled 1 through to n depending on the number of poses matched to each subject.
To auto assign poses simply go to the Edit menu and select Auto assign poses or use the Ctrl-U keyboard shortcut.
Figure 1: Poses have been auto assigned for each image
Some points to note regarding auto assigning poses
- Poses numbers will be assigned in image order. First image is pose 1, second image is pose 2 and so on.
- If poses have been manually assigned to only some images, auto assigning poses will assign poses to the remaining images beginning with next available pose number.
- It is not possible to auto assign pose labels.
- Any existing pose numbers or labels will not be over written
- Poses will be assigned for all images for all subjects.
Manually assignng poses
Manually assigning poses provides the user with greater flexibility. By manually assigning poses it is possible to:
- Assign poses to only some images rather than every subject image
- Assign poses to all subjects rather than every subject
- Assign poses labels rather than pose numbers
- Assign poses in a user selected order rather than 1 for the first image, 2 for the second and so on
Pose numbers or Pose labels
Pose numbers are exactly that - numbers beginning with 1. Pose labels are alpha-numeric labels and can be used to give a more descriptive label to the image such as Formal1, Full Length, Fun Shot etc.
Setting a range of Pose numbers
Pose number require the user to define a range of numbers to use. This range may be of any length but must always begin at 1 (1 to n)
Figure 2: Setting the pose number range to 3
Note it is not necessary to define a pose number range if using auto-assign of pose numbers
Creating a Pose label set
Pose labels are defined as a set. It is possible to define more than one set of pose labels. The user could, for example, have a set for Formals another for Proms another and another for Communions for example.
Pose sets are defined in Edit>Pose sets
- Click the New button to add a new Pose Set and give it a description
- Click the Add button to add a Pose Label to the set and give it a description
- Repeat step 2 to add further poses to the set
- Repeat Step 1 to begin another Pose Set
- Use the up/down arrows to change the order of either the Pose Sets or the Pose Labels
Figure 3: Creating a pose set
Assigning the poses
With a pose number range defined or a pose label set created it is now possible to assign poses to the images. The process involves:
- Selecting whether to use numbers or labels
- Displaying the required subjects
- Assigning the poses for each subject
Selecting the poses to use
Use the Assign Poses tools to select whether to assign poses from a set or use numbered poses
- If using a Pose Set select the From set option and use the drop down to find the desired Pose Set
- If using numbered poses select the Numbered 1 to. option and enter the last number in the range
Display the subjects
In order to view subjects who require poses:
- Select the Look for subjects that are missing poses option
- Click the Get Next button to display the first subject requiring poses
Assigning the poses
- Shift-click the subject's image to assign the first pose number or pose label to that image
- Continue assigning poses for each of the subject's images requiring poses
- If an error is made use the undo feature, Edit>Undo to remove the last pose or use the remove poses function, Edit>remove poses to remove all the poses
- When ready click the Get Next button to display the next subject requiring poses
Figure 4: Manually assigned poses. Note the user defined order for the pose numbers.
It is not necessary to assign poses to every image for a subject. For example you may have three images per subject but only wish to use two of the images.
Using Auto get next
Use Auto get next to have Poses Mode automatically advance to the next subject requiring poses once you have finished assigning poses for a subject. Auto get next will only work when every pose number in the defined range or every pose label in the Pose Set has been assigned to the subject
- Check the Auto get next option
- Assign poses in the normal way
- When all pose numbers or labels have been used the next subject will be displayed
End of article