Assigning families to a folder
Applies to: Families
In a similar way that subjects can belong to folders, families can also be assigned to a folder. This is primarily done to determine where the family products will appear in the NeoPack print queue.
See How families are sorted in the queue
Families can be assigned to a folder in one of two ways:
- Copying the family to a folder in Details Mode
- When ordering for and creating a family with Identify Ordering
Copy a family to a folder
Families can copied to a folder in Details Mode. Unlike subjects, families can only be assigned to a single folder.
- In the Details Mode main window page, click the Families tab
- In the folder tree on the left click All to display all the families
- Click and hold a family in the main windows pane and drag it to the desired folder
- The family will now be assigned to the folder and the folder name will be displayed
Figure 1: The Sims family has been assigned to the 9C folder.
To remove a family from the assigned folder or move it to a different folder, simply click on its current folder while in the Families tab. The family will be displayed. Delete it or move it to a different folder.
Creating families with Identify Ordering
Often, families are not created in Details Mode but are instead created automatically when identifying orders downloaded from the Timestone Software Internet Ordering System (IOS). Furthermore, it is possible to prompt the online customer to select a 'folder' for the family at the time of ordering. In Orders Mode, when the orders are downloaded and identified the family is created and automatically copied to the folder selected by the customer.
Figure 2: Prompting the online customer to select a folder for the family. As shown, the customer is normally asked to select the class of the eldest child..
Prompting a customer to select a folder for the family as shown above is an option set in tsIOS when uploading and refreshing the job
- In tsIOS select the job and select the Job keys & Identify object
- Under the Identify Family Folders section check the Prompt for folder, Folder is required and Select from list options
- Upload or refresh the job in the usual way
Figure 3: Setting the options to prompt the customer to select a folder for the family.
Although optional, it is strongly advised to check the 'Select from list' option as shown above. This ensures the folder name is exactly as it appears in Details Mode and prevents the customer from entering a folder (class) that does not even exist.