Capturing customer email at log in
Applies to: IOS
An option is available in IOS to force a customer to enter an email address along with the shoot key in order to proceed to the next stage of viewing images and products. The email address, along with a host of other information, is captured and available to view and download and a CSV file even if the customer does not continue through to placing an order.
It is anticipated this information can then be used for sales and marketing purposes especially with respect to customers who visit the website but do not proceed to place an order.
Figure 1: The IOS login page
Referring to the screen grab above unless the customer enters an email address along with the shoot key, they will not be able to progress further. Note the system only checks the email address is in a valid format, it does not verify the email address is correct or even exists
The system only checks the email address is in the correct general format (e.g. It does not verify the email address is correct or exists.
Enabling the email capture
Email capture is an option that is enabled with an entry into the settings.ini file of your site folder. The site folder is accessed with sFTP credentials provided when IOS was setup for you.
To enable email capture enter the following text string into the settings.ini file
Viewing and downloading the data
The data captured by this feature is available to view and download via any web browser by visiting a special address ...
.. where yourwebsite is the URL of your IOS site
Access to the data is protected by a username and password. These credentials are the same as those provided to you in order to gain sFTP access to the site folder.
Figure 2: Enter your credentials to access the data
Some browsers such as Apple Safari allow the data to be viewed before downloading the csv via File>Save as. Other browsers such as Google Chrome will immediately prompt to download and save the CSV.
The data
The screen grab below shows a a typical CSV file. An explanation of the various fields follows
Figure 3: The CSV file
Field | Description |
E-mail |
the email address entered into the login screen |
Shoot Key |
the shoot key entered into the login screen |
Login Date |
the date and time of the log in yyy-mm-dd format |
Verified |
not currently used |
Provider Code |
the provider code for the job if set at upload |
Provider Name |
the provider name for the job if set at upload |
Site |
the site the customer went to. (useful when labs are hosting
multiple photographer sites) |
Job Key |
the job key |
Job Name |
the job name |
Order Key |
an order key is generated if the customer adds products to the
cart (regardless of whether they continue) |
Paid |
the payment status of the order key (if any). |
Interpreting the Order Key and Paid fields
Of special interest are the Order Key and Paid columns
The moment the customer places products into the cart an order key is generated. The order key remains with the 'order' regardless of whether the customer proceeds to check out and regardless of whether the customer proceeds to check out but does not pay for the order. A blank Order Key indicates the customer did not add anything to the cart.
The Paid column indicates what happened with the order once the customer placed products into the cart.
A value of 2 means the customer either did not proceed to checkout or if they did, they did not succesfully complete payment. The order will not download. A value of 1 indicates the order was succesfully paid. The order will download or already has been downloaded
- Paid is empty indicates no products were added to the cart
- Paid=1 indicates the order was paid.
- Paid=2 indicates the order was not paid
Optinal parameters to retrieve a range of data only
The url http://yourwebsite/reports/customerlogins will always retrieve all customer logins. However additional parameters are available to limit the data retrieved.
- from - retrives data from a certain date (entered in yyyy-mm-dd format)
- providerCode - retrieves data only with a certain provider code
- providerName - retrieves data only from a certain provider name
- jobName - retrieves data from a certain job only
These parameters are added to the url in the follwing format
http://yourwebsite/reports/customerlogins?parameter1¶meter2¶meter3 etc.
To retrieve all logins from May 25th 2015 on the site the url would be:
To retrieve all logins from June 1st 2015 for the job Greenville HS on the site the url would be: HS
End of article