Import orders with a text file

Applies to: Version 4.10 or later

This document described the requirements and procedures for importing orders into Timestone Software via a text file. It assumes the user is either working directly with SQL jobs or if working in TNJ files, the TNJ files will eventually be imported into SQL.

Key points

  • Import orders for subjects via a CSV file
  • Print queues automatically built
  • Can be imported along with other subject data or independently

Supported apps

At time of writing orders can be imported into the following Timestone Software apps:

  • NeoPack
  • PackBuilder
  • DataPost
  • NeoComposite

Although DataPost and NeoComposite support order entry by text file, the orders will not be resolved into print queues until the job is opened in NeoPack.

Text file requirements

The text file should be saved as a comma separated value (csv) file. A minimum of two fields (columns) are required - the subject's unique field (ID) along with a field containing the package code being ordered for the subject

At its simplest the csv file contains two fields:
- the subject's unique field (ID)
- the package code

The unique field

The text file must contain the subject's unique field. This is most commonly the ID field.

The package code

As explained in the article "Offers, products, packages and units - an overview" ordering is accomplished by ordering a package via its Package Code.

The package is defined in the Timestone Administrator (tsAdmin) and can comprise one or more products where products are the "things" you sell - prints, groups, mugs etc. Packages themselves belong to an offer where an offer can be considered as an order sheet ("Here are the packages I offer you"). Jobs are then assigned an offer in File>Properties

Figure 1: A simple csv file with the two essential fields.

Importing the text file

The csv file is imported in Details Mode via File>Import text file or with the Ctrl-T keyboard shortcut. The Import details window is presented where the user can preview the data and map the fields.

Understanding field mapping

The process of mapping fields is needed to 'tell' the software what sort of data is in each column. In the simple text file presented above, there are two column types:

  • Subject data - the ID field
  • Order data - the Package field

With this in mind, mapping the fields is a matter of selecting a column, selecting its data type and selecting or setting the options for that data type as applicable.

Field mapping only needs to be done once for a csv file of a given structure (same columns in the same order with the same title line). The software thereafter remembers the mapping, eliminating the need to map the fields with subsequent imports.

Mapping the ID field

The screen grab below shows the mapping of the ID field. Note the ID column is selected and is Subject data. The sub-option 'Column uniquely identifies the subject' is also checked since the ID is the subject's unique field. Finally the column is mapped to the subject field ID.

Figure 2: Mapping the ID field.

Mapping the Package field

The screen grab below shows the mapping of the Package column. The column is now of type 'Order'. The queue format is 'layout'.

Figure 3: Mapping the Package field.

Unlike subject data, order data is not imported into a field therefore it is not necessary to map the package column to a field.

Ordering multiple packages for the same subject

Multiple packages for the same subject can be ordered in one of two ways.

  • A separate row for each package
  • A single row for the subject with the different packages separated by a space

Both the two screen grabs below will order two packages (PK1 and PK4) for the subject with ID 171807

Figure 4: Ordering PK1 and PK4 for subject 171807 on one line

Figure 5: Ordering PK1 and PK4 for subject 171807 on separate lines

Specifying the pose, item and number of copies

Optionally, for each package, the text file can specify a pose, the number of copies required and an item design. Each of these three options should be in their own column as shown in the example below.

Figure 6: A csv file with pose, copies and items for each package

The Copies field can be left blank if the number of copies required is 1. A blank Pose field will result in the subject's main image being used with the package ordered. The value in the Item field is the item design's key as set in File>Properties of the item design template.

Mapping the pose, copies and item columns

The three optional parameters (pose, copies and item) are mapped in the same manner as the package (layout) column. In each case the column type is 'Order'. The appropriate sub-option is then selected as shown in the screen grab below.

Figure 7: Mapping the copies field

End of article