An introduction to Orders Mode

Applies to: Orders Mode

Version 4.1 introduced an Orders Mode together with the concept of Order Sets. This article provides an introduction to Orders Mode and Order Sets as introduced in Version 4.1. Future articles will provide a more in depth discussion as needed

Order Sets allow the user to group orders into different 'sets' which can then be handled and processed independently. A school photographer may wish to have different sets for different shoot days at a school - a set for 'original' day, 'retake' day and 're-orders' for example. A lab on the other hand may be receiving orders daily for a given customer for the same job. In this case a set could be created for each days orders.

Order Sets handle raw orders only (previously called pre-orders). Raw orders are orders that have been either

  1. The software checks the offer defined for the job
  2. Knowing the offer, raw order processing then resolves the raw order codes into products which can then be built into queues

Once raw orders have been processed they are copied from the raw tab to orders tab in Orders Mode

Undo raw order processing

Processed orders can be 'undone'. This removes the orders from the Orders tab but does not remove the raw orders. Once unprocessed, raw orders can be processed again, perhaps with a different offer. Consider one such scenario.

  • Raw orders have been entered and processed into orders
  • You realise the wrong offer was selected for the job which means the wrong products will (or have been) built

In this situation the orders can be unprocessed, the correct offer selected and the raw orders processed again.

Details Mode and Match Mode

Order entry in Details Mode (barcode scanning or F3 key) or Match Mode (barcode scanning only) continue to be supported. In these cases orders will be only be entered into the Default Order Set. The Cost/Paid and Comments columns in Details Mode will therefore always pertain to the Default Order Set only.

Order entry by text file

Importing of orders by text file continues to be supported. The user is prompted for an order set at the point of importing the text file. Text file orders may be imported into the the default set (no set), an existing set or a new set can be created on the fly.

The Default Order Set

Orders Mode displays a 'default' order set. Essentially the default set behaves as the traditional orders column in prior versions of the software.

  1. Orders entered in Details Mode or Match Mode always go into the Default Set
  2. TNJ files continue to only support the Default Set

The default set can be renamed in Orders Mode. This has important workflow possibilities. Consider the following workflow.

  1. You wish to scan order into Details Mode so that subject data can be modified if needed
  2. You scan all you original orders into Details Mode which will automatically go into the Default Set
  3. When ready go to Orders Mode and rename the default set to say, ORIGINALS
  4. Later scan your absentee day orders in Details Mode. These will go into the new and now empty Default set
  5. When ready go to Orders Mode and rename the default set to say, ABSENTEE
  6. Later scan your retake day orders in Details Mode. These will go into the new and now empty Default set
  7. When ready go to Orders Mode and rename the default set to RETAKES.

Building queues from Order Sets

Order sets can be processed individually. Queues can be built at the same time as processing raw orders or as a separate step after processing the raw orders. For each order set, queues can be built into either:

  • The default print queue
  • 'Printer' queues as defined by the printer setting for a product in tsAdmin
  • A new queue with a name defined by the user (defaults to the current date)

End of article