Yearbook Pose Selection with IOS

Applies to: IOS


A feature of the Timestone Online Ordering System (IOS) is the option to allow customers the ability to select their desired pose for purposes such as yearbooks.

How it works

  1. The photographer uploads the job with the 'Select Image Pose' option in tsIOS, specifying a pose label such as YB
  2. Upon entering their shoot key, customers are presented with a page where they select their preferred pose
  3. In Orders Mode of the apps, the photographer selects 'Download online poses'
  4. The appropriate image will have its pose set as per the label specified in Step 1 eg YB

Uploading the job

To enable pose selection, jobs are uploaded with the option 'Select Image Pose' in the Image Handling section of tsIOS.

Selecting this option allows the photographer to enter any alpha-numeric characters as a pose label. In the screen grab below the photographer has used the text string YB - often used as an abbreviation for 'yearbook'.

Figure 1: Enabling pose selection

Selecting the preferred pose

With the option enabled, customers are presented with a page where they can select their preferred pose.

Figure 2: The select pose page

There is no obligation for a customer to select a pose, they can elect to skip this step and proceed directly to ordering on the shop. Moreover, it is important to understand that once a pose has been selected, the select pose page is no longer presented for any future customer log-ins.

Once a pose has been selected, the select pose page is no longer displayed.

Confirmation email

The customer receives a confirmation email soon after the pose selection. This email can be customized for the photographer and can optionally include a thumbnail of the selected pose.

Figure 3: The customizable conformation email

The reset pose URL

As mentioned above, once a customer makes a pose selection any future logins for the same shoot key bypass the pose selection page. However a special 'rest pose' URL is available that returns the user to the pose selection page thereby allowing for a different image to be selected if desired.

A user can return to the pose select page with a URL in the form of:

Looking at the general format of the URL, for a site and a shoot key of XCV35TW4 the URL then becomes:

Downloading the poses

At any stage, the photographer may elect to download the pose information. This has the effect of setting the pose for the appropriate image.

It should be made clear that the action of 'downloading poses' simply sets the appropriate pose label to the selected image. It does not download the image itself.

Poses are downloaded in Orders Mode with the menu action Orders>Download online poses.

Verify the poses in Poses Mode

Once poses have been downloaded, they are visible in Poses Mode

Figure 4: The appropriate image has the pose label "YB"

End of article