The "Find image" barcode

Applies to: All programs

The /%I barcode, also referred to as the "find image" barcode, allows the user to find a specific image by searching for its image number, filename or tag.

The format for such a barcode is:


where {x} is one of:

  • F or T to specifically search for filename
  • N to specifically search for number
  • / to search for filename or number

and {image} is one of:

  • the image filename
  • the image tag (filename without extension
  • the image number

To find an image by its filename the barcode could be encoded with

/%I/@imagetag or /%I/@imagefilename

To find an image by its image number the barcode is encoded with


Where and when to use the /%I barcode

The Find Image barcode has many uses some of which are listed below

  • In the main mode of OutPost and NeoPack/Plus
    • Scan the Find Image barcode, optionally scan an order barcode or enter orders manually
  • In Images Mode
  • Scan the Find Image barcode to find an image for the purposes of editing
  • In Form Packs Mode
  • Scan the Find Image barcode, optionally scan an order barcode or manually enter an order or check if orders have been placed for this image