
Applies to: Version 4.2

Version 4.2 introduced the ability to group multiple templates into a single layout name. The combined layout is referred to as a multi-layout while the individual layouts are referred to as the component layouts. When ordering the multi-layout the software then selects the component layout that best matches the number of images and their orientation.

Multi-layouts eliminate the need for the user to know the orientation and number of images to be placed on a page


Multi layouts are therefore used when the number of images to be used in a product is variable. A single layout can be ordered for the product regardless of the number of images and their orientation with the software selecting the appropriate component.

Multi-layouts with Memory Moments

Version 4.2 introduced the ability to produce 'Memory Moments' where a family image appears on a page along with the images of the family's individual subjects (see Memory Moments).

Figure 1: A memory moment

Since the number of subjects in a family is variable and the orientation of the images may also vary (some family photos may be vertical while others may be horizontal for example) a multi-layout is the ideal way to simplify ordering a memory moment.

Without multi-layouts the user would need to know, for each family, how many subjects it contained, the orientation of their images and the orientation of the family image. Care would then need to be taken to order the correct layout.

With multi-layouts the component layouts are designed to cover all the possible combinations of images and orientation and combined into a multi-layout. The user then simply orders this single layout for each family with no need to know how many subjects make up the family nor the orientation of the images.

Creating a multi-layout

Multi-layouts are created in the Design Mode of NeoPack/Professional, PackBuilder and OutPost. The component layouts must already be formed before they can be added to the multi-layout

  1. From the menu select Edit>Multi-layouts
  2. Click the New button to start and name a new multi-layout
  3. Click the green add layout icon to browse to and add a componet layout to the multi-layout
  4. Repeat step 3 until all compnents have been added to the multi-layout
  5. Optionally give the multi-layout a description and key
  6. Click done when finished

Figure 1: Creating a multi-layout

A multi-layout may optionally be given a description and a key as with any 'normal' layout. It can be added to a package in tsAdmin and ordered by any of the ordering methods.

Making component layouts 'invisible'

A layout can be marked as being soley a component. This means the layout will only be available as part of the multi-layout and cannot be ordered on its own. The layout does not appear in Form Packs Mode for 'point and click' ordering

Figure 2: Marking a layout as a component only

End of article