Re-downloading online orders

Applies to: IOS

It is possible to force online orders to redownload into the production software (Fulfill, NeoPack). There are many reasons a user may wish to to this including:

  • The order needs to be handled in Fulfill instead of NeoPack or vica versa
  • The orders was mistakenly deleted from the production software
  • Customer information (name, email etc) needs to be corrected or changed
  • The Delivery Option or delivery address needs to be changed
  • Order notes need to be added or changed
  • Prompt text needs to be added or changed

To re-download an online order

  1. Log into the service panel - https://{yoursitename}/service
  2. Select the Orders object
  3. Find the order
  4. Optionally edit aspects of the order
  5. Change the order's Status to 'Mark to ReDownload'
  6. Click Update to save the changes

Figure 1: Marking an order for re-download

End of article